
“My fitness and health are important to our family”

“It was my husband who encouraged me to look at the new place near my work called PowerStrength. When I questioned the time and expense, he responded wholeheartedly that my fitness and health are important to our family.”     Congratulations Sam Bodine – Our December Member of the Month! Sam first walked into PowerStrength […]

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Top 17 PowerStrength Moments in 2017

With 2017 ending we wanted to re-cap our Top 17 Moments in 2017 at PowerStrength. Enjoy reliving some of our best memories from another immense year here at PSTS. Granted we couldn’t list them all, but thank you to all of you who helped create such an unforgettable year for all of us! We look […]

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Emily’s PSTS Fat-Loss Transformation

BURNED 16 POUNDS OF PURE FAT AND FEELING HER BEST! “I feel the best I have in 10 years. I am not strong for a girl, I am strong because I am capable of being strong. Every girl (no matter the age) is capable of lifting weights and getting strong.” Emily Walters began training at […]

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This Mother of 3 is in the Best Shape of Her Life!

Our November Member of the Month is Ashley DeMoss! Ashley began training at PSTS over 5 years ago in 2012. She first joined the 6am training group regularly until having her 3rd son. After a short break, Ashley got right back into it. Since then, she has without a doubt been one of our most consistent […]

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Member Spotlight: Brad Haney

Brad Haney is our October Member of the Month! Brad has been a part of the PowerStrength family for almost a year! He is a father, husband and works full time. His hectic schedule doesn’t stop him from attending our 6am Breakfast Club at least 3 times every week! During his time with us, Brad […]

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Member Spotlight: Carly Going Strong and Burning Fat

The Women’s Transformation Challenge is at the halfway mark, and we are already seeing incredible successes and results in our participants. Women joined the challenge for differing reasons. Many wanted to find the motivation to work out regularly, some wanted the accountability, and others needed to focus on their nutritional habits. It was the nutrition […]

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Detox Your Mindset

As we begin the 2nd week of the 30-Day Women’s Transformation Challenge, we have noticed something great starting to take place. Our participating women are already making progress with their workouts; they are eating balanced meals throughout the day and food journaling regularly; they are setting and achieving daily and weekly small behavioral goals, and […]

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How Do You Accurately Measure Progress? Here is One Way We Do…

*Each PowerStrength Location has an InBody (InBody570) on-site to help ensure accurate tracking of progress and results! Included in Adult Fitness, High School, and College memberships! Learn more about the InBody below!   WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO KNOW BODY COMPOSITION? Knowing your body composition, as opposed to simply monitoring weight, provides feedback on fat […]

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Not Getting the Fat-loss Results You Want?

Have you been training diligently for several months, but still aren’t seeing the fat-loss results that you are looking for? Not seeing progress is frustrating and can be de-motivating. Why continue to dedicate time and effort to something that doesn’t seem to be making a difference on the scale? These are the thoughts that run […]

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Member Spotlight: Kayla Carr

Kayla Carr is our August Member of the Month! Kayla works full time as a Labor and Delivery Nurse at Saint Mary’s Hospital. Despite her always changing work schedule, Kayla makes training a priority weekly. She has been attending both THRIVE and Blue Collar groups for the past month. Her hard work and dedication is […]

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