
“The wealth of knowledge these guys have is so ahead of the curve you know you are a part of something very special. The atmosphere of the gym is unlike anything you’ve been a part of.”

“Getting results is always the assumed outcome, but it’s the worth you find in yourself that stands out.  You get guys around you, who come from different backgrounds and push you to be better, not only physically, but also in every aspect of your life. You can’t find that at any facility, it takes a […]

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Over a year later and PSTS has helped solidify my transformation and has me doing things I’ve never done before. Overall I’m down from 385lbs to 240!

“My first impression of PSTS was that it was intimidating. I didn’t know what to expect. I was just looking to gain some muscle and continue to lose fat. Over a year later and PSTS has helped solidify my transformation and has me doing things I’ve never done before. Overall I’m down from 385lbs to 240!  What […]

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“The Workout is New, Fun, and Gets Great Results”

“I came to PSTS for a switch up in my workout routine. The switch was great. The atmosphere is great, the trainers and people are great, the workout routine is new, fun, and gets great results. You go to other gyms and you do a little of this and that by yourself with no real […]

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“I can’t believe more people my age aren’t training here… it has changed me for sure.”

“I was a little intimidated to start PSTS because of all the large athletes training there, but once I got accustomed to things, I was starting to feel better about myself. PSTS is more close knit than other facilities, it is a one-on-one type training setting but still within the group, and you really get […]

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“What separates PSTS from the others is you will not only stay healthy and get your body feeling the best it has in years, you will make GAINS!”

“I’ve worked out at almost every gym out there: Lifetime, LA fitness, 24/7, Snap Fitness, boutique gyms, etc. Nothing compares to PSTS. As a former high school (and 1 year of college) athlete, I still strive to stay healthy. You can stay healthy at the other gyms, but what separates PSTS from the others is […]

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“These guys have found the best way to get results with anyone at any level.”

“Last fall I trained there with the Blue Collar Crew 3 nights per week and I could not believe the results. I got in the best shape I have been in since my days of college basketball. The training was challenging for not only young athletic guys like me, but also easily adjustable for the […]

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“I’ve made the most progress of my life, PSTS is constantly on their game.”

“I trained incorrectly for years. Learning proper training techniques alongside some peers to keep me honest and accountable- I’ve made the most progress of my life. PSTS is constantly on their game. They have created a great family atmosphere and done so with integrity.” – Matt R. 

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“I didn’t think it would be a place for a girl to workout, but I was wrong!”

“My first impression of PowerStrength was that it was going to be really intense. I didn’t think it would be a place for a girl to workout but I was wrong! I got to know some great girls who trained with me and we loved to work hard. PowerStrength is set apart by the knowledge […]

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“I was nervous but saw results within 2-weeks!”

“When I first started PowerStrength I was a little nervous as I let myself get a little out of shape. Once I got serious about my diet, corrected my form, and listened to what my coaches were telling me I saw results within 2-weeks! The difference between PSTS and other training facilities for me was […]

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“I reached my goal of being the strongest I’ve ever been!”

“6 weeks ago I had a goal in mind; to be the strongest I’ve ever been by my 28th birthday. In high school I was pretty fit. I was 175lbs and could max bench 235. I could max squat 285lbs. I could deadlift about the same as my squat from what I remember…10 years was […]

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