
Football player adds pounds to bench press and gets faster!

Athlete of the Month was earned by Adam Gill of FHN! Adam first came to us a year ago looking to get bigger and faster. He trained through his baseball season and the summer for his senior football season. In the last 3-months Adam stepped it up – he trained 3x/week in our Premier group […]

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Train during your sport season to stay ahead!

Training during your sport season is important! Many athletes understand the importance of general training during the off-season. However, few understand the importance of training during their season. Zeke has been training during his season all fall…winter…and now spring. This consistency is vital if you play multiple sports as it allows for continued physical development. […]

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PSTS Alumni exhibits discipline and work ethic

Where are they now? Guys like Matt helped build what we have today at PowerStrength and it’s even cooler to see where his path took him. Discipline and work ethic paying off beyond the gym and field is something we talk about all the time and Matt is living it! Big Grizz and Papa Bear! 🐻 […]

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Basketball Athlete Gains Muscle!

It can be verey difficult for basketball athletes to gain lean muscle. PSTSDisciple and basketball hooper, Austin, just gained 16.7lbs of bodyweight in 8-weeks! Nearly 11lbs of pure muscle! (Thanks InBody for allowing us accurate feedback to take out the guesswork with nutrition and training). Austin ALWAYS has had trouble gaining weight and definitely didn’t […]

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PSTS Hosts WWE Superstars

WWE Superstars were in the house yesterday at PowerStrength when Monday Night RAW came to Grand Rapids! Had about 10 athletes come through to train and all were down-to-earth and professional. Very cool experience to have these guys come by! Capped off the day by watching the show ringside!

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