
Why You Aren’t Achieving Your Goal – and How To Fix It

“I want to lose 20 pounds, but I just can’t seem to stay on track” “I started out really well…I was going to the gym 5 days per week, but ____ happened and I can’t seem to motivate myself to get going again.” “I was following ____ diet and I lost 10 number of pounds, […]

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Why “Transformation” Is Killing Your Dreams

Can we bring a little clarity to this fitness buzzword…”transformation”? Do we really have to “transform” to be successfull, happy, attractive, healthy or fulfilled? “A NEW YOU” Knowing the type of people we help in our coaching programs on a daily basis, we tend to cringe when we hear this phrase. Unfortunately, this has become […]

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Member Spotlight – Karen

Our July Adult Member of the Month goes to Karen Oliver! Karen has been an active member of our evening Blue Collar group at PowerStrength for 9 months. During this time she has been dedicated to meeting her fitness goals– training consistently 3-4 times per week. Her consistency has paid off! Karen has lost fat, […]

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D1 Volleyball Girls Earning Success!

When you play Division 1 volleyball, you have little time in the off-season to dedicate yourself to a training program. All of our college volleyball athletes are doing a fantastic job. But we wanted to highlight Zoe. Our girl Zoe did work when she was home for the summer. In 6-weeks she BURNED off 16lbs […]

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Fat Loss Program SUCCESS!

A group of our Adult Fitness members just completed a 6-week Fat Loss Nutrition Coaching Program! In total, this group melted over 45 pounds of pure FAT! In fact, losing 5lbs of pure body fat was the average amount lost in 6-weeks!!! Out of the entire group Kerri and Sheryl were our two awesome winners […]

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Friends Get The Job Done Together!

One of the best things about the training environment at PSTS is how friendly everyone is to one another. Rae and Emily were friends before attending PowerStrength and have continued to hold one another accountable in their fitness program. Together, they have lost a combined 41lbs of fat!!! These ladies are committed and make it […]

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Member Spotlight – Michelle

Michelle is a wife, mom, and grandma who consistently hustles every morning at 6am!  

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March Member of the Month – Nick Hawley

Our March Member of the Month goes to long-time PowerStrength Disciple Nick Hawley! Nick is a father, husband, and owns his own business – and he continues to make training a TOP priority! Nick is a staple in our morning Breakfast Club sessions at 6am and comes a minimum of 3 days a week! He […]

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Member Spotlight: Mom loses over 15lbs in 9 weeks!

Member of the Month Spotlight: Raelyn L. Our December Member of the Month goes to Raelyn L.! Raelyn joined the PowerStrength family in mid-October and found her stride as she continues to collect small victories! Raelyn trains with our women’s Blue Collar group at least twice a week and comes to our Noon sessions on […]

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Member Spotlight: Added 20lbs of Muscle!

Member of the Month Spotlight – Jaron Buschert Jaron joined our Blue Collar Adult group almost a year ago and has made some serious progress. He came to PowerStrength with some symptoms that effected his ability to do many movements without a lot of pain. Despite this, he committed himself to training at least 3x/week […]

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