
How a Mother of Two Teens Found New Energy and Strength

Sometimes life challenges us. It sets up obstacles that test our resilience and strength. Some people fold, while others rise above and overcome. Beth Marin is dominating her difficulties. “Life was my biggest challenge when I signed up (for PowerStrength),” Beth said. “I had just finalized my divorce. I was a single mom with my […]

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From Out of Shape to Feeling Great – Caring Community Helps Anthony Thrive

Tiffany Anthony has always enjoyed exercising. She even was a runner when she was younger.  “Back in the day when I was concentrating on my health I used to do sprint triathlons, I’ve done the Riverbank Run a couple times,” Tiffany said. Sometimes, as life happens, health stops being a priority. Tiffany decided in the […]

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7 Years of Kloska Success – Family, Training, & Community

The name Kloska carries a lot of weight around PowerStrength. Kyle (class of 2022) and Tim (Class of 2023) were standout football players at West Catholic High School that took their strength and abilities to a whole new level training at PSTS (they both now play football at Army and attend West Point). Their parents, […]

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Self-Proclaimed Desk Jockey Reclaims Control, Sheds 30 pounds

For years, Jason Perales endured a relentless cycle of trial and error with various exercise regimens in an effort to lose weight. Despite his determination – success seemed elusive. “A lot of different beach body programs,” Jason said when asked how he attempted to lose weight in the past, “I think I’d been doing them […]

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From Chronic Pain to Powerful – Shelly Gains Strength for Grandkids, Renews Health

Shelly Devries grew up on a farm, she learned the value of hard work early on sweating in the field each day after school. Despite her dedication, she always felt a sense of physical pain and limitation, attributing it to a lack of coordination and “bad feet.” However, as she matured, she discovered the source […]

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62-Year-Old Gym Novice Gets Addicted, Transforms Life at PowerStrength

Mark Dunham never had interest in joining a gym for most of his life. “I’ve never had a gym membership, ” Dunham stated. “I wouldn’t go anywhere else, because you go to the gym, I don’t know what I’m doing.” However, he couldn’t help but notice how his boss had changed his life by coming […]

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65-year-old Achieves BIG Goals, Finds a Home at PowerStrength

Lesia McQuade prioritizes her health. Weightlifting has been a game changer for the former Livonia, Michigan resident.  “It really helped my back,” Lesia said. “My back was really bad and I started lifting and it made a big difference. I had done yoga, bootcamp, swimming, I tried different things – but lifting, that whole exterior […]

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Transformed and Renewed, Riley is Prepared for the Job

Spring is coming and for many seasonal companies, that marks either the start or end of their busy season. For Matt Riley, owner of an asphalt maintenance company, it marks the start of the season. And this year, rather than dreading the months of work to come, Matt will be ready.  He spent the winter […]

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Challenge Winner drops 12 pounds of fat, gains muscle in 30 Days

Congratulations Transformation Challenger Winner – Jeremy Camp!! Over the 30 Days, Jeremy dropped over 12 pounds of fat and gained muscle! Overall, Jeremy lost an astonishing 4.1% body fat, thanks to some changes to his daily routine and attending 3 sessions per week. “Before PSTS I was going nowhere, I was not good with diets […]

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This Dad Becomes a Better Role Model!

Congratulations Josh Hankamp for becoming the 2019 Men’s Transformation Challenge Grand Prize Winner at PowerStrength North Josh took this Challenge to another level as he lost 18 pounds over the course of the 30 days. As a result, it  helped him achieve his goal of becoming a better role model for his kids! “Before I […]

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