
Why “Transformation” Is Killing Your Dreams

Can we bring a little clarity to this fitness buzzword…”transformation”? Do we really have to “transform” to be successfull, happy, attractive, healthy or fulfilled? “A NEW YOU” Knowing the type of people we help in our coaching programs on a daily basis, we tend to cringe when we hear this phrase. Unfortunately, this has become […]

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Member Spotlight – Karen

Our July Adult Member of the Month goes to Karen Oliver! Karen has been an active member of our evening Blue Collar group at PowerStrength for 9 months. During this time she has been dedicated to meeting her fitness goals– training consistently 3-4 times per week. Her consistency has paid off! Karen has lost fat, […]

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Friends Get The Job Done Together!

One of the best things about the training environment at PSTS is how friendly everyone is to one another. Rae and Emily were friends before attending PowerStrength and have continued to hold one another accountable in their fitness program. Together, they have lost a combined 41lbs of fat!!! These ladies are committed and make it […]

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Member Spotlight – Michelle

Michelle is a wife, mom, and grandma who consistently hustles every morning at 6am!  

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