
Mother of 4 Halts Back Pain, Earns Vibrant Lifestyle

Dealing with back pain while aging can present significant challenges, impacting one’s quality of life and making even simple tasks feel paralyzing.  Sarah Debski started down that road, but she was not going to let it burden her for long, so she came to PowerStrength. “My main reason for starting was because I was having […]

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“At 43, I Feel Stronger Now Than I Ever Have!”

“At 43 years old, I feel stronger now than I ever have. My clothes fit better and my co-workers and family are constantly asking me what I’m doing. My answer is the same every time – PSTS!!!! I absolutely love it here.” Before PowerStrength, Heather had already lost 40 lbs. doing at-home workouts, but needed […]

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“I was tired…Make Yourself A Priority!”

Congratulations to Transformation Winner – Cheryl Smith! During the 30 Days, Cheryl decided to make herself a priority and dropped over 12 pounds and almost 3% of her body fat‼ “Before PowerStrength, I wasn’t working out at a fitness club. I walked some and swam maybe once a week, and even that wasn’t consistent. I […]

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PSTS Disciple, Willekes, Wins Burlsworth Trophy

Last week long-time PowerStrength Disciple, Kenny Willekes (MSU, NorthPointe), won the Burlsworth Trophy awarded to the nation’s best player who started their career as a walk-on. This award exemplifies humble beginnings and the complacency kills mindset – and we’re very proud to have a front-row seat to Kenny’s journey! As you know, it’s not an […]

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Football lineman gets faster, gains 15lbs

Athlete of the Month was earned by Michael Momber of Hudsonville! Michael is a football player and has been training at PSTS since November of last year. Since the end of football season, Michael has dropped his 10-yard split more than a tenth of a second, increased his broad jump 17 inches, and increased his […]

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Barbell Basics Workshop! Learn from the Pro’s!

Our members-only Barbell Basics Workshop was spectacular! Lots of Learning, Practicing, Community Building, and just Feeling Awesome. This is what “true” coaching is all about! The extra focus on technique and safe training for our members will help them achieve continuous results without the pain! More Workshops to come for our members because they deserve […]

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