
Kade Kostus 5-Star Transformation

Kade Kostus, a recent 2022 graduate of Rockford High School, made it his mission to enter his freshman football season at Central Michigan University as prepared as possible. After an incredible training period at PowerStrength Training Systems… …Mission Accomplished. Kade is one of the most driven athletes to come through PowerStrength. To achieve the kind […]

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Challenge Winner drops 12 pounds of fat, gains muscle in 30 Days

Congratulations Transformation Challenger Winner – Jeremy Camp!! Over the 30 Days, Jeremy dropped over 12 pounds of fat and gained muscle! Overall, Jeremy lost an astonishing 4.1% body fat, thanks to some changes to his daily routine and attending 3 sessions per week. “Before PSTS I was going nowhere, I was not good with diets […]

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Teaching Mom has more energy, less aches and pains!

Congratulations Transformation Challenger Winner – Ruby VanderArk! Ruby is a mom and a teacher. In just 30 days Ruby dropped 11 pounds of fat and gained over a pound of muscle! The biggest difference for Ruby was the focus on nutrition, tracking her food, and making small changes on a daily basis that became habits. […]

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Woodruff, Grandville Baseball, Earns Award

Athlete Member of the Month was earned by Nate Woodruff of Grandville! This dude has been consistent in his training and always attacks the work as he prepares for the Baseball season. Over the past 3-months, he’s nearly doubled his chin-ups and did the same number of push-ups with an added 20-pound chain. He added 4 […]

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Busy Mom Loses 2.5% Body Fat!

Char is a busy mom, wife, and business owner who challenged herself to focus on her health and fitness! lost 6 pounds of pure body fat, and gained 4 pounds of muscle mass, which helped her drop her body fat percentage by 2.5%! Char is a wife, mother of 2, and a business owner. Even […]

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Full-time working Mother and Wife, has her ‘happy’ back!

Congratulations Whitney Grosz – PowerStrength EAST Member of the Month! Whitney and Husband Damon joined PowerStrength in June of this past summer, and have been a strong staple in our community from their first day. “Everyone within the Power Strength community has been so incredibly nice, encouraging, positive and uplifting. Such a great community to […]

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“I’m more confident”

“PowerStrength has changed my daily routine in an incredibly positive way since my wife and I started back in August. I very rarely feel tired or sluggish, I’m more confident because I’ve added muscle while dropping body fat and I also find myself more motivated to take on new physical challenges.” -Matt F.

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This Couple goes from sedentary and injured to active and healthy!

Congratulations to Tom and Deanna Vogeler – Our Husband and Wife January Member of the Month Duo at PowerStrength East! Tom and Deanna began training at PowerStrength in April 2018 when joining a Transformation Challenge together. They since have become regulars at our morning sessions Monday through Friday. Tom and Deanna are the life of […]

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“Joining PowerStrength is one of the best decisions I have ever made!”

Congratulations Heidi Stutzman – Our December PowerStrength North Member of the Month! “Joining PowerStrength is one of the best decisions I have ever made! The atmosphere is unbeatable. The coaches are all fantastic and push me to do my absolute best. Coming to PowerStrength is the best part of my day and always puts a smile on […]

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“Unlike any other gym”

Congratulations Cathy Albro! Our PowerStrength East Member of the Month! “Working out at PowerStrength has changed my life. I can’t imagine not doing it now. My energy level, mood and focus has greatly improved with regular workouts. I have worked out at other health clubs, but PowerStrength is unlike any other. The knowledgeable staff makes […]

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