Strength Training Boosts Artist’s Self-Determination and ArtPrize Aspirations

Some might say there is no real correlation between art and strength training, but John Katerberg would disagree.

John has entered his painting ‘Dynamic Sunset” into this year’s ArtPrize competition in Grand Rapids, MI. He has entered into all but one ArtPrize since it started in 2009. 

John joined PowerStrength’s specialized personal training program designed for men and women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s in 2022 and is carrying over what he does in the gym, to what he does with a brush.

“I think a lot of what PowerStrength has done for me is just all about success,” John stated. “Every time I come here and I work out and I give it my all, that’s a success, and I build on those successes, even in my artwork or business or going throughout my day, I just feel better. I feel stronger, I feel encouraged, and I think that carries through to the difficult task of creating this giant painting.”

‘Dynamic Sunset’ is no simple painting. It’s a scene from the beach in Grand Haven with big crashing waves that appear to be moving, and it’s painted on sheets of brass.

“I’m really going for the wow factor when creating a piece for ArtPrize. And I think this really accomplishes it,” he said. “It’s a lot of bright color, a lot of contrast. I have bright lighting on it. So when you walk past it, you do get that wow factor, and you also get the illusion of movement. So it’s really a cool piece. It’s probably one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever made.”


John wasn’t going to enter ArtPrize this year unless he could land one of the premiere venues. He accomplished that by getting a spot at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. Then it was time to get to work.

“It’s been a kind of a marathon over the last three months,” John said. “It’s a big deal. It takes a lot of effort, a lot of strength, a lot of determination, to see it through. It weighs 104 pounds, so it takes a lot of tenacity to really see it through to the end.”

There have certainly been bumps along the way. The sheets of brass fell on his leg, putting him in the hospital for a couple of days. Later, the waves became transparent after clear coating was added revealing what was underneath.

“That was a catastrophe,” John said. “You just got to pick yourself up, overcome and move on. And I painted over that, and it’s better now. You know, it’s better than before. So that’s what creating art or working out, getting healthy, it’s all about just getting better every day. It takes a long time. I’ve been doing PowerStrength for two and a half years now. I think I’m stronger and healthier now, except for my injuries that I still deal with than I’ve ever been in my life. I just credit a lot of my health and my success to PowerStrength and the health that they’ve helped me achieve.”


John has served in two wars. He joined the Army at 17 years old and was in Desert Storm. He returned home because of a herniated disk in his back.

After raising 4 children, John returned to the military as part of a National Guard unit that was deploying to Afghanistan. While there, a vehicle he was riding in was destroyed, leaving him with brain, shoulder, and knee injuries.

His crew survived, and he was awarded a Purple Heart.

Now John is overcoming those injuries through focused training at PowerStrength.

“The guys know that when I use proper form when I exercise, then I don’t have as much pain doing the exercise,” he said. “So they’re really conscious of my form. They’re always correcting me, I have a tendency where my injured leg wants to go out a little bit, and that’s not good for lifting heavy weight. So they’re always looking out for me making sure my form is correct. My shoulder, there’s some tears in there, now there’s arthritis, so they’re always conscious of me not pushing myself too much, and they’re always there to spot me to make sure I don’t get hurt.” 


At 58 years old John feels good and is thankful that his wife encouraged him to train at PowerStrength. 

“I have never been athletic, so I don’t do sports. Everything I do is a personal overcoming of things. I love hunting and fishing, camping, and the outdoors, but I’ve never been athletic. Even though I’ve never been an athlete, I’ve never been stronger, it’s because of PowerStrength.”

His advice to others about personal training in a small group  is not to feel overwhelmed.

“Don’t be intimidated. It’s really a great atmosphere,” John said. “What was holding me back is I’ve never been athletic, I’ve never been a powerlifter, or bodybuilder. I’m not a bodybuilder now, it’s strength training. Give it a try. You’ll see it’s a great atmosphere. Great people down here. They know your weaknesses and know how to keep you stronger, so it is really one of the greatest things I’ve done.”

Training at PowerStrength is making a difference for John.

“Every day, every time I come here, it’s a success, just a little minor success. I got myself out of bed, and I got stronger. So I carry that through to my painting, through the work that I do, just my general attitude, I just feel great because of PowerStrength.”

He is very excited about his painting, he calls it “one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever made.”

Be sure to support John at ArtPrize and vote for his work!


Men and Women over 40 who want to get stronger and have more energy can join the personal training programs at PowerStrength at any time. No previous workout experience is required as each program is customized to the fitness and ability level of each individual.

Multiple personal training sessions are offered in the early morning, mid-morning, late afternoon, and evening. Find your nearest PowerStrength location – Alpine, Kentwood, Jenison, Plainfield – and Holland COMING SOON!

Click HERE to learn more program details and schedule your risk-free consultation.