Heading to Bootcamp – Preparation at It’s Finest

Huge shout out to Alex on his last day with us before he heads off to the Marines. He wanted additional preparation to what he was already doing with the Marines (shout out to PSTS friend Staff Sgt. Molesta!) to be ready physically and mentally before he had to report, and was willing to do anything we told him. Alex attacked his training everyday while becoming a solid member of our PSTS Family.

Alex with PSTS Coaches on his last day

Alex with PSTS Coaches on his last day



Preparing athletes for their goals, directing youth athletes as they mature, and helping adults improve their quality of life are things we do on a daily basis. Getting to know Alex was special and it was an honor and privilege for us to help any way we can.


He’ll be missed around the gym but we’re thankful for his courage and service!