A couple months ago I called out the fellas to a 6-week Challenge. This challenge was going to test them physically but also mentally. We had time slots that allowed them to come in for 6 sessions per week if they wanted. Most of these guys were ex-athletes of all ages that wanted to recapture their “edge”. Others were fathers, students, and businessmen.
The challenge has been completed and I’m extremely proud of the MEN who stuck with it to the end. Sometimes life can get in the way but you MUST prioritize your health and not make any excuses when it comes to your training and nutrition. Not everyone saw the challenge through.
Jim Reitsma was not one of those guys. Before the challenge he was unhappy with his healthy and finally just said screw it and signed up. Jim trained 5 days per week and totally dedicated himself to making a change – including sacrificing plenty of family time which is not to be taken lightly! He truly inspired us all and for 46-years young, did things guys half his age couldn’t even do. Jim was the winner of the challenge and didn’t even realize that the reward was for $250 cash. I found this even better as he was doing it all for self-improvement. Watch and listen to his story.
Here are some other great success stories from this group. A lot of these guys are probably just like you and their accomplishments are just plain awesome and inspiring. These are the types of adults we work with. We still hold them to a high standard just like we do with our athletes. The results reflect their commitment.
- Dylan has lost a total of 141lbs in 18 months (14 in the last 6-weeks)!
- Gerard is the elder statesmen and tougher than most 18 year olds I know – he’s dropped 60+lbs since he began almost 2 years ago! He juggles a busy family schedule and running his own business.
- Shawn dropped 21lbs in the last 6-weeks! He also juggles a busy family schedule along with a crazy teaching schedule yet stays consistent.
- Dustin has been consistent for a year and is in the best shape of his life. He CRUSHED our last “challenge” workout which was designed to beat them down mentally.
- Nick runs his own business and was also prepping for a group marathon Him and his wife both made sacrifices so he could come train throughout the week while she watches the kids.
- Dean has been dropping weight before he got to PSTS and pushes himself like he was playing D1 football again! He juggles a crazy work schedule but never makes excuses.
- Brandon has been a stud athlete this whole life but is still not satisfied. On top of work he also started grad classes this semester and still made time to train.

I’m extremely proud of these men as they did what many couldn’t – consistently work hard….
Many of these guys still train with us on Tuesday and Thursday nights during our Blue Collar Training Group. Inquire for more details if you want to join and start making the change you were supposed to make yesterday.