
From Out of Shape to Feeling Great – Caring Community Helps Anthony Thrive

Tiffany Anthony has always enjoyed exercising. She even was a runner when she was younger.  “Back in the day when I was concentrating on my health I used to do sprint triathlons, I’ve done the Riverbank Run a couple times,” Tiffany said. Sometimes, as life happens, health stops being a priority. Tiffany decided in the […]

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Cancer Survivor Regains Muscle, Is Stronger Than Ever

Eric Hoogewind encountered a life changing event in the summer of 2022. The Hudsonville native was diagnosed with colon cancer. “Went to the ER, they did a Ct Scan, came back and said it’s cancer, boom,” Eric said. “In the situation I was in, the diagnosis was, wow!” That hit hard. Receiving that diagnosis led […]

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Self-Proclaimed Desk Jockey Reclaims Control, Sheds 30 pounds

For years, Jason Perales endured a relentless cycle of trial and error with various exercise regimens in an effort to lose weight. Despite his determination – success seemed elusive. “A lot of different beach body programs,” Jason said when asked how he attempted to lose weight in the past, “I think I’d been doing them […]

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Transformed and Renewed, Riley is Prepared for the Job

Spring is coming and for many seasonal companies, that marks either the start or end of their busy season. For Matt Riley, owner of an asphalt maintenance company, it marks the start of the season. And this year, rather than dreading the months of work to come, Matt will be ready.  He spent the winter […]

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Dad, Former Submariner, Returns to “Fighting Weight” at PowerStrength

David Grundy spent five years in the U.S. Navy where he was a Submariner. His “fighting weight,” as he refers to it, back in his military days was 215-pounds.  When asked if he was fit when he was in the Navy, David responded: “Absolutely!” Nearly 17 years after he left the military, David was more […]

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