
Dad, Former Submariner, Returns to “Fighting Weight” at PowerStrength

David Grundy spent five years in the U.S. Navy where he was a Submariner. His “fighting weight,” as he refers to it, back in his military days was 215-pounds.  When asked if he was fit when he was in the Navy, David responded: “Absolutely!” Nearly 17 years after he left the military, David was more […]

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Local Mom Finds Comfort, Results at PowerStrength

As a mother of two, Michelle Fox had understandable reservations about joining a gym. She tried a few things in the past, a couple classes at the YMCA, but nothing stuck. Nothing seemed to be the right fit. After her 11-year-old son, Jacob, started at PowerStrength Training Systems (PSTS) in the 5th-8th grade program – […]

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“It’s been a lifestyle change!”

Congratulations Karen Arnold! 2019 Women’s Transformation Grand Prize Winner at PowerStrength East When it comes to lifestyle change, Karen is as dedicated as they come. Never missing a training session throughout the 30-day challenge, and focusing on her nutrition and making healthy choices each and every day helped her achieve her goals. “It’s been a […]

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Strength Training Is A Family Affair!

Congratulations to Juli who is our PowerStrength East Member of the Month!  Strength training is a family affair for Juli, who has been dominating workouts at PowerStrength for 18-months straight in the Thrive and Blue Collar sessions! “All 3 of our kids gained advantages training for their sports with PSTS – now we are excited […]

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Rick drops 2.5% body fat, earns Member of the Month

Congratulations to Rick Kloska for earning Member of the Month at PowerStrength North! Rick has been part of the PowerStrength family for over two years and in that time, he has shown dedication to his goals by attending 2-3 sessions every week! Rick has especially shown a great commitment with dropping 2.5% body fat in […]

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Transformation Winner “Starting to feel like my old self”

Congratulations Transformation Winner – Scott Ricketts! Scott joined the Transformation Challenge after a 2-year hiatus from working out and running and has experienced fantastic results in his first 30 days at PowerStrength! As a result of his dedication, Scott dropped 13 pounds and 3.5% of his body fat! Above all, he is feeling INCREDIBLE, running […]

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“At 43, I Feel Stronger Now Than I Ever Have!”

“At 43 years old, I feel stronger now than I ever have. My clothes fit better and my co-workers and family are constantly asking me what I’m doing. My answer is the same every time – PSTS!!!! I absolutely love it here.” Before PowerStrength, Heather had already lost 40 lbs. doing at-home workouts, but needed […]

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“I was tired…Make Yourself A Priority!”

Congratulations to Transformation Winner – Cheryl Smith! During the 30 Days, Cheryl decided to make herself a priority and dropped over 12 pounds and almost 3% of her body fat‼ “Before PowerStrength, I wasn’t working out at a fitness club. I walked some and swam maybe once a week, and even that wasn’t consistent. I […]

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Making Fitness and Health A Priority

Congratulations Transformation Challenge Winner – Jim Reitsma!! Making fitness and health a priority over the 30 Days, Jim dropped 6 pounds of fat and gained muscle. He did it through consistent workouts, and transforming his daily nutrition routine. “My diet is usually filled with poor food choices. My daily routine usually includes pop, various gas […]

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Military Veteran Loses 4% Body Fat!

National Guard Veteran, David, lost 4% of his body fat by dropping over 12 pounds of fat in 30-days! …and the best part… He is stronger, moving better, more energized, and excited to continue his fitness journey alongside his wife, Shana, here at PowerStrength. “This experience has impacted my entire life and it has been […]

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