How a Mother of Two Teens Found New Energy and Strength

Sometimes life challenges us.

It sets up obstacles that test our resilience and strength.

Some people fold, while others rise above and overcome.

Beth Marin is dominating her difficulties.

“Life was my biggest challenge when I signed up (for PowerStrength),” Beth said. “I had just finalized my divorce. I was a single mom with my first full-time job in 16 years. I take care of my mom and her health was spiraling. Since October, she’s had four hospitalizations and two surgeries. That’s just between October 2023 and now. So to put myself first was a big obstacle, it was a big challenge.” 

In 9 short months, Beth has turned it around. She is healthier and feeling better, and everything is falling into place around her.

“It was, I was going to say magical, but it was transforming definitely,” Beth said. “I feel better. I mentally and physically feet better. I also feet like I was gaining family and friends. The staff was not necessarily staff to me anymore, they were becoming my family. And I was really looking up to some of the female athletes here like, ‘Oh, she’s really strong. What can I do to be like her,’ I really started idolizing and watching some of the women here and recognizing their strengths, how strong they were, how fit they were, and  I want to be like that. I want that to be an example for my kids, I want them to see mom’s strong.”


Beth is the mother to 2 boys ages 13 and 16.

She began her PowerStrength journey in October last year as part of the Tranformation Challenge because of a verbal exchange with her oldest.

“The ultimate goal at first was to challenge my teenage son,” Beth recalled. “Probably because of the divorce, he was angry. We were both feeling down and one of the last things he said to me before I read the transformation email was he said I was fat and lazy. And I read the email and I didn’t hit delete, I signed up.” 

No one wants to be called fat and lazy, much less by someone who means everything to them.

Beth was understandably hurt. 

“I was mad. I was a little crushed, but it was a fiery mad that got me in here. I had to show him.”

The anger was the motivation for Beth when she started in the small group adult fitness program for people 40 and over, but that eventually shifted.

“I think it’s gone from showing to sharing,” Beth said. “When I came in here my first couple of months, I would slam the medicine balls and get a lot of aggression out and have my son’s face on the medicine ball and that doesn’t happen anymore. It’s just strength, and joy, and camaraderie, and talking to my teenagers in a different way. I think I felt the transformation has been mind and body and it’s also affected my parenting, and encouraging my boys to be healthy. Nutrition has been a big part here, even cooking differently or preparing meals and snacks differently for me and them.”

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is proven to impact people by reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing self-esteem, just to name a few benefits.

Not only has training at PowerStrength done those things for Beth, but she feels it has made her a better parent.

“We all know teenagers are tough and my job, I work in special ed and that job is tough, PowerStrength has helped me blossom so much,” Beth said. “I can take my frustration out here. I can check out and just be told what to do to train which is wonderful. But it also gives me the emotional stability to handle the difficulties that come with raising teenagers. I just can’t say enough of how much happier and stronger I am.”

Beth’s boys have taken an interest in their mom’s healthy lifestyle and It has strengthened their bond as a family.

She is leading by example for her kids which has been fulfilling.

“What’s been nice was I wanted to show my son, I am strong, I am somebody and actually you can be somebody too,” Beth stated. “I like the connection we have, I benchpress now and I can compare my numbers with him and then my 13-year-old is asking me questions now, ‘Hey Mom, did you push this sled today?’ I like how my achievements are trickling down to my kiddos.”


Beth’s mom is currently stable, but still in need of care.

The added strength has allowed her to give her mom the help she needs.

“Taking care of my mom, helping her get out of bed sometimes was exhausting before PowerStrength,” Beth said. “And now I can I’m a better caretaker for my mom. The ripple effect is huge.”

If she is unable to attend a session at PowerStrength because she is tending to her mom, she has the support of her coaches.

“That actually was so great coming here, the staff recognized my struggle and the challenge of coming, a couple of times I missed coming and they would send me a text ‘Hey, we missed you, hope you can make it, what can we do to help you?’ It just was so nice. So nice those touches,” Beth said.


Going back to work after 16 years can be difficult. Beth works in the public school system which is often both challenging and rewarding, but she is flourishing in her role crediting her recently discovered strength and stamina.

“It feels tremendous,” Beth said. I feel so much stronger, so much lighter. And I don’t necessarily mean even by the scale. I just feel mentally lighter. I feel like I’m carrying myself lighter. I know I’m stronger because some of the children I work with, it involves strength and things I couldn’t do in the fall with some of my kiddos I was doing by the end of the school year, and that’s huge. I remember telling Craig, one of the coolest guys here, that I don’t think I could be doing my job if I hadn’t had PowerStrength helping me along, it was just an added bonus that I wasn’t expecting.” 



Since becoming a single mom, Beth has taken on more responsibilities, including yard work and additional household chores, and is balancing these duties with grace and determination.

“It just makes my job a whole lot easier, and living alone, I can do different yard work, chores, I’m carrying a ladder right now at one of my summer jobs, things that I don’t think I could do without having the strength that I’ve gained (at PowerStrength). Beth said.



Beth was involved in aerobics and step classes at the YMCA years ago. She never knew that what would make the biggest difference in her fitness was the focused attention from expert coaches that PowerStrength provides.

“Definitely this strength part, the heavier weights, for me, maybe not for the staff, but for me I see a lot of thinking outside the box. I get firsthand knowledge, one-to-one training in a small group atmosphere, the nutrition, the feedback. I love that someone’s watching me or keeping an eye to say, ‘Hey, let’s tweak your performance, let’s work on this,’ checking on me if I have an injury. I love the YMCA but it was just a big class and everyone did the same thing, where this is much more individualized training.”


Sometimes motivation comes from unexpected sources. Beth never imagined it would be the words of one of her kids that would guide her to take control of her health, but she is glad it happened.

Her journey at PowerStrength is truly inspiring.

“Blessing is the only word that comes to mind,” Beth said. “Coming here has been such a wonderful blessing for me. It’s been life-changing. The staff, my fellow members, I didn’t think in October when I signed up I would feel the way I’m feeling now. I just feel blessed and I think anyone who would join would feel the same.


Men and Women over 40 seeking a stronger, more energized lifestyle can join the personal training programs at PowerStrength at any time. No previous workout experience is required as each program is customized to the fitness and ability level of each individual.

Multiple small group and private sessions are offered in the early morning, mid-morning, late afternoon, and evening.

Click HERE to learn more program details and schedule your risk-free consultation.