“I have more energy, I sleep better, and I feel better about myself.”

“I came into PowerStrength unsure and thinking I can’t do this, I’m not strong like everyone here, it’s going to be intimidating BUT everyone has made it so welcoming and not like that at all. PSTS has taught me to be patient, consistent, and that the work will pay off. I’m amazed by the results! I am very grateful and proud of myself for my milestones I have accomplished so far! Since I have been training at PSTS, I have more energy, I sleep better, and I feel better about myself.  I’ve never been prouder to look at the “before” pictures than I am now.  PSTS has helped me break through my plateau and has challenged me to be better.

Thank you for turning my “can’ts” into “cans.” You’ve pushed me further than I thought I could go and shown me that I can reach my physical goals. Training with you has benefited my perspective in other areas of my life and I feel more empowered than ever before. Thank you for transforming me, for not letting me quit when I wanted to, or go easy when I was tired. You believe in me more than I believe in myself. Thank you ALL for challenging me and pushing me just a bit further every time. I am achieving more than I thought was possible.” -Elizabeth W.