
From Out of Shape to Feeling Great – Caring Community Helps Anthony Thrive

Tiffany Anthony has always enjoyed exercising. She even was a runner when she was younger.  “Back in the day when I was concentrating on my health I used to do sprint triathlons, I’ve done the Riverbank Run a couple times,” Tiffany said. Sometimes, as life happens, health stops being a priority. Tiffany decided in the […]

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Mother of 4 Halts Back Pain, Earns Vibrant Lifestyle

Dealing with back pain while aging can present significant challenges, impacting one’s quality of life and making even simple tasks feel paralyzing.  Sarah Debski started down that road, but she was not going to let it burden her for long, so she came to PowerStrength. “My main reason for starting was because I was having […]

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