
New PowerStrength Facility Coming Soon

The project has been in the works for well-over a year and a half and it’s almost time for us to transition to our new home for PowerStrength Training Systems.

Our original home at the 4 Mile garage has built a unique reputation for our PowerStrength Family. The blue-collar mentality that was developed here has impacted hundreds of athletes and clients over the years. It has allowed us to create a new home as we continue to grow our influence in West Michigan.

Because of our training style and mentality we searched and searched for a space that fit our needs. Our PSTS Family deserves the best and that’s what we wanted to provide. Once we came up short we decided to take matters into our own hands and get involved with a project that will give us a brand new building – and plenty of space to coach some of West Michigan’s finest with zero distractions.

The 9,600 square-foot facility will allow us to continue to provide the very best for our athletes and clients! But understand this, the blue-collar mentality, the “complacency kills” mindset, and the relentless pursuit for excellence will not change because of a new building. This attitude began from humble beginnings and will always be associated with PowerStrength no matter where we are located.

Stay tuned for more details but check out the progress below.

PSTS 2.0 122715 2.0 Progress 121115

PSTS 2.0 Progress Pic 10102015









IMG_2300 2.0 Progress 112915

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