“I had horrible, almost crippling, pain in my knees. Now my knees have very little to no pain.”

“The trainers at PowerStrength are the best. They take time to explain exercises, and they are very knowledgeable and have the hearts of teachers. I feel they are good friends along with the people I work out with who are nice as well. The PSTS environment is very positive and encouraging.  At first the workouts were extremely difficult because I was so out of shape. Now I feel MUCH healthier. I can walk up steps easier. Carry heavy items easily, stay on my feet longer without getting sore. My back pain is pretty much gone. I had horrible, almost crippling, pain in my knees. Now my knees have very little to no pain. I sleep better, I am more alert during the day, and I am working to get a little stronger every week. I feel good and am proud of my progress.” – John Becker