“The individual attention PowerStrength provides to their athletes is immeasurable!”


Zak has always worked hard and been self-driven.  PowerStrength pushed him to improve and took him to another level.  He would not have made the incredible gains without the great staff at PowerStrength.

The individual attention PowerStrength provides to their athletes is immeasurable!  PowerStrength has a great training environment (all 3 of my boys love it) where trainers and fellow athletes push you to improve. The knowledge the trainers possess from nutrition plans to specific exercise regimens have helped Zak buy in even further – if the effort is there, the results will be as well.   

In addition to the expertise and results, the relationships that are built at PowerStrength between the athletes & coaches are powerful and keeps the kids coming back. I can honestly say all 3 of my boys would not be where they are today without PowerStrength!

-Mike A. (Father Of PSTS Athlete)